Livescribe paper-based computing platform includes a smartpen, dot paper and software applications that changes the way people capture, use and share audio and visual information with pen and paper.

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Podcasting, posted with vodpod

MicrophoneToday, I presented on a variety of Podcasting tools that can be used in any classroom. The key here, is to present podcasting in the simplest manner possible, to make it easy, and to make it practical for any classroom teacher. All of the ideas and tolls posted herein can be used in small or large settings, with access to lots of technology or with limited access to the same. I particualy like the idea of podcasting in stattions. This provide students with an outlet to express themselves in new and creative ways in a focused and purposeful manner.As the culmination of an activity or as a place to reflect on a lesson or activity, podcasting is a perfect fit for enhancing lessons and the learning process; for providing a differentiated tool to motivate and engage students; and to increase the conversation among teachers and students, students and their peers, and students with their parents. The very nature of the podcast allows for files to be accessed and shared on the internet via simple hyperlinked text that directs to the location of the hosted file. As the following slideshare shows, the only things you need are a microphone / audio recorded, editing software such as Audacity, somewhere to host the podcast, and imagination / inspiration.