Below is a reblog of my Parents as Partners presentation on – please check it out and comment in the reply area below.

I thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity to share a topic that I am most passionate and so engaged with myself in support of my board’s Annual Operating Plan and Strategic Directions (and as a parent myself of 7 and 3 year old daughters). So much to share and so little time. Please take some time to listen and follow the wonderful work of and Parents as Partners (previously recorded shows here – I was so honoured to be asked to participate and share it with you here….

Parents as Partners Episode 51 Aaron Puley Turning Walls Into Windows: Making Learning Trans-”Parent”

by LORNA on JUNE 12, 2012

There is a direct link here to the presentation as well (

Please enjoy the recording of our interview with Aaron Puley. It is an extensive discussion about engaging parents and 21st Century Fluencies. Our conversation filled a good hour+ as we delved into numerous ideas that Aaron uses in his role as Student and Parent Engagement Consultant with the Hamilton Wentworth District School Board in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
Highlights include:

  • How important parents and community are as pillars of HWDSB Annual Operating Plan
  • A description of a Tiered Approach to Parent engagement
  • The difference between Engagement vs Involvement
  • Using the Hamilton Wentworth District Commons HWDSB Commons to make the learning process visible and transparent to parents
  • The development of a tool kit designed to help Raise Responsible Digital Citizens and supporting parents support their children with the same in partnership with the classroom teacher.
  • Parent Engagement tool kit where strategies and best practices already occurring in schools can be aggregated and captured in such a way that principals and schools co-author an authentic resource that captures the spirit of a dynamic web 2.0 world and the board community as a whole.

We plan to have Aaron back in the fall to update us on the Parent Tool Kit for Principals and the Council of Ontario Directors of Education Raising Digital Citizens Tool Kit.