On October 3rd, 4th, and 5th, 8 students from each of Hamilton’s Secondary Schools gathered together to engage in a series of team building, relationship, and leadership activities revolving around school climate. The following captures the journey with @bloggucation, @beekfitness, & @HWDSB_Climate.
Prior to the three day event, a new blog was set up to capture the learning in a virtual space. It was important to all of us that the amazing work students were to be engaged in not be lost following the physical, face-to-face get together. By means of the School Climate blog and Twitter, brainstorming, good thinking, and snapshots of engagement could be curated, reflected upon and shared with those not physically present with the students. These spaces bridge physical, geographical, and temporal boundaries and honours the great work permanently for later reference, reflection, and connection. After the students have parted ways, they will always have this digital reference to refer to and will enable them to continue connecting with each other in the days and weeks to come.