April 22nd – August 14th, 2015 (4 sessions – upcoming)
Foundation Training in Adaptive Schools
This program is designed to develop the resources and capacities of individuals within HWDSB to cohesively respond to the changing needs of students, schools and society. Adaptive Schools focuses on the skills of facilitating, presenting, coaching and consulting.
March 3rd – April 15th, 2015 (4 sessions – currently ongoing)
Exploring Instructional and Transformational Leadership in Secondary Schools
This 4-session series was developed for Secondary School Teachers, Department Heads, Facilitators and Consultants who are interested in exploring and developing instructional leadership in their classrooms and in their schools. These sessions also explored how teacher leaders can influence and build capacity in their colleagues.
August 20, 2014
Harmony Movement Train the Trainer Part I – Focusing Our Equity Lens
This workshop was designed to support those working with various staff with information and resources to ensure that all teaching and learning environments are as equitable and inclusive as possible. Starting with an assessment of self and individual perceptions, this workshop moved into domains focused on having an equity lens. distinguishing between equity and equality, and thinking critically about what we see, hear, and consume when working with diverse stakeholders.
June 12th – June 13th, 2014
This training provided opportunities to learn the software product itself as well as the capabilities for assignment creation, curriculum expectation allocation, and alignment with Ontario’s Growing Success Policy and HWDSB’s Assessment and Evaluation policy.
March 27th – August 13th, 2014 (8 full-day sessions)
Foundation Training in Cognitive Coaching
Cognitive Coaching is a proven process for enabling leaders to work effectively with others. This 8 day program included topics such as response behaviours – pausing, paraphrasing and posing mediative questions, as well as planning, reflecting and problem resolving conversations. A major focus of the training was trust and rapport, which in turn contributes to the building of positive, effective relationships.
April 23rd, 2013
Aboriginal Cultural Competency Training for System Leaders
The workshop included an opportunity to partake in culturally relevant activities to understand the historic trauma, current demographics, and cultural perspectives about urban Aboriginal people in Ontario. This workshop also explored how educational systems can improve rates of Aboriginal student outcomes through skills, knowledge, and abilities essential to cultural competence.
March 2nd, 2012
Guiding Circles Part 2: Finding New Possibilities
Building on the foundation of Guiding Circles Step 1, this workshop integrated an Aboriginal worldview with effective career strategies. During this workshop, a wide range of career options are generated and the career circle is explored to help create a ‘match’ for an individual’s career ideas with their personal traits. We learned strategies to prepare individuals to overcome challenges along their career path, evaluate their entrepreneurial skills and involve their social circles in decision making.
February 17th, 2012
Guiding Circle Step 1: Understanding Yourself
This workshop introduced the concept of exploring individual pathways, career and otherwise, within an aboriginal worldview. This workshop encouraged participants to participate in career and life stories while discovering an active engagement methodology that better connects with students, aboriginal or otherwise, by meeting them where they are engaged in life.
Guiding Circles: An Aboriginal Guide to Finding Career Paths
February 2nd, 2012
Anaphylaxis Education – Make up sessions by Public Health Nurses
Completion of HWDSB’s Anaphylaxis Policy which requires annual education sessions.
July 5th-6th, 2011
Differentiated Instruction, Assessment and Evaluation
These 2 sessions provided participants an opporutnity to deepen their understanding of the role of DI in the implementation of Growing Success.
April 7th & May 11th, 2011
Leadership 3 – Preparing for School Administration
This workshop was designed for teachers applying for Vice-Principal positions within the coming years. It assisted Vice Principal candidates to self reflect on their leadership development and their next steps in learning based on the Self Assessment Tool for Aspiring Leaders.
October 25th – November 22nd, 2010 (6 three-hour sessions)
Restorative Justice Training Classroom Applications
Restorative Justice formal training focused for teachers and classroom applications.
June 3rd, 2010
iPhone Tips and Tricks – Beginner to Expert
Hosted by Apple Training, this session provided the basics of using an iPhone/iPod Touch in an administrative and educational setting. Special focus was given to the unique needs of HWDSB.
June 1st, 2010
Highlighting Aboriginal Education
This workshop introduced the resource, Six Nations Iroquois Program: An Interdisciplinary and Cross Curricular Resource, which is composed of stories, lesson plans, word wall suggestions, art and music, that addresses multiple curriculum expectations around “First Nations Studies” at the same time targeting many goals mandated in the First Nation, Metis, and Inuit Educational Policy Framework.
May 19th, 2010
Taste of the Teaching Shakespeare School through Stratford – SECONDARY DRAMA
The Stratford Shakespeare Festival’s education program provides ways to teach the plays of Shakespeare not as literature but as theatre.
February 24th, 2010
Positive Space Training
This training focused on providing information and resources to staff to support and better develop an understanding of diverse communities with an increased knowledge of LGBTQ issues and resources.
May 1st, 2009
Students Experiencing Domestic Violence-Secondary
This workshop focused on students who are or have experienced domestic violence in their homes, or in their dating relationships. Topics included:
- Indicators of teen dating violence
- How are domestic violence and dating violence similar/different?
- What is the impact on youth?
- What behaviours can you expect to see?
- How and when to intervene? What can you do as a teacher?
- What are the issues faced by youth and families experiencing violence?
May 1st, 2009
Psychological Report-Secondary
This workshop provided an overview of the core elements of a psychoeducational assessment and what the various assessment measures tell us about students.